We all know how difficult quitting smoking can really be. We have known of countless accounts when people start to quit smoking and then end up going back because they couldn’t take the withdrawal effects. Some even claim to have high fever, lose appetite or mental “slowness” when they try to quit smoking. It’s like they are forever cursed to smoke OR lose footing. Terrible isn’t it? Smoking was never healthy. Good thing there’s an alternative: smoking vaporizers.
The Addiction, Explained
What makes smoking very difficult to let go is the nicotine addiction. If you are simply orally fixated, you can get slowly get over this by sucking on candy or a lollipop once in a while, or munch into something, or talk. If you simply need something to hold in between your fingers, well then write! I have a friend who used to put a pen in between her fingers to keep her from reaching towards the nearest cigarette stick. Then eventually she learned to just quit smoking for good. Also, other people who claim to be simply “social smokers” smoke due to peer pressure. When they see people all around them smoking, they also smoke so they don’t look like losers. They smoke to “belong“, to look cool and to command attention. But no matter what reason we cloak our addictions with, what lies beneath is the nicotine addiction. But smoking vaporizers is a different story, and we will discuss that later.
How The Addiction Was Curbed
There have been countless efforts from the government and the non governmental sectors which tried to curb nicotine addiction/ smoking. There were advocacy groups which heavily publicized the bad effects of smoking to our health, to the health of the people around us and to our environment. Some even go as far as printing pictures of heavily abused lungs and posting them in smoke-rich areas or in areas where people used to smoke. Also, there were pharmaceutical companies which developed nicotine patches or nicotine candies. They are designed to give the nicotine addict his/ her daily nicotine fix while not exposing the him/her to the dangers of smoking.
The Evil that is Smoking
The thing is, it is the actual act of SMOKING, burning something, that harms the body. Through combustion, you will produce tar and carcinogens, and these are the things which harm our lungs. Therefore, if there is only no smoke, you can still get your fix while not harming other people.
Vaporize! Don’t Smoke!
We highly recommend vaporizing instead, buy vaporizers which are of high quality and replace smoking by vaporizing. Vaporizing is the act of turning the substance into vapor so they can be inhaled at their purest form and then the body can get the best out of the heated material. There are marijuana vaporizers/ cannabis vaporizers if you’re looking for some weed goodness. What most herb vaporizers do is that they heat the substance to a temperature just below combustion so there is virtually no burning.
Digital vaporizers are best in stabilizing the temperature of most vaporizers. That is why when you decide to switch to smoking vaporizers, you take your pick from the many well-performing digital vaporizers. For people on-the-go, you can use portable vaporizers too.